What the hell do I want to say? The pressure is on now. I have readers, I've actually gotten somebody's attention. I had so much to say before. Now that I have actually stepped up to the mic, and the spotlight is on, my mind is blank.

When I set out to do this, I was looking for a way of expressing my desires, my needs, myself. I have always been attracted to men, as well as women, for as long as I can remember. For most of my life, my only outlet was online porn and gay erotica. Recently, I started putting myself out there a little more. First, I responded to ads on craigslist. I had no intention of actually hooking up, but I did strike up an email conversation with a couple of guys. Those were fulfilling, for a short time. I learned quickly that these guys didn't have much patience for endless emails.
Last year, I created a fake Facebook profile. I was able to reinvent myself and chat up guys across the country, even around the world. I developed friendships with a couple, and let them see a little bit more of the real me. Again, that was fulfilling, but only for a short time. One of these friendships began to resemble a "committed" relationship. If I wasn't online at the certain time in the day, I knew I would have to explain myself later. When I got a guilt trip for deciding to spend a night with my wife, instead of my online "friend", I knew I was in too deep. When Facebook killed my profile, for posting nude photos, I didn't bother to create a new one. Without Facebook, my friend and I only had email to keep us connected, which quickly waned. I still chat with him from time to time. But I am careful to not let it be anything more than a pen pal.
A little while later came Grindr. I can be anybody I want on any given day. Since chattin' on Grindr, I've decided that I will hook up with a guy one day, and in the not too distant future. Of course, every time I even imagine it, my heart starts pounding and I get sick to my stomach. But I get excited too, very excited.

Which leads me to blogging. Deciding to keep going forward felt like a milestone in my life. I had made up my mind to do something that had the potential to alter my life permanently. But, there was no one to share it with. I certainly couldn't tell my wife. I'd already cut off ties to my Facebook friends. I needed a place to share, a place to express myself. So I blogged. I thought, "Hey, if no one reads it then no harm done". Writing is therapeutic for me, and I would be left with something that I could reflect on. Proof of my journey. But if people do read it, guys like me, then I will be a part of a community and I won't be alone.
Scott said that blogging keeps him out of trouble. I understand what he meant. Since starting this, I have thought more about what I wanted to write than I have about which guy I am going to meet up with first. But there's an unforeseen side effect. Now that I am thinking about what to write, I've been thinking that I need something to write about. I'd better hurry and find a dick to suck so that I can tell the world about it! LOL!