Something strange and wonderful happened about a year and a half ago, I decided to grow a pair. I made a decision that I was not going to live life without experiencing the one thing that I most desperately wanted to experience. It was around that time that I started blogging. I was so pumped up with determination, the only thing that brought me down was knowing that I had to keep it a secret form everyone I knew.

You see, while I finally mustered up the courage to correct something fundamentally wrong in my life, it was not a decision I could be publicly proud of. It was not even something for which many of you, the readers that I love, would commend me. I had decided to step out on my marriage, to cheat, with another man. I had decided to get me some of that cock I dreamt about. As messed up as it sounds, I was excited about it. I would even go so far as to say that I was proud of my new found guts. So proud that I wanted to shout it from the rooftops, "No longer will I be afraid of putting myself out there! No longer will I be afraid of taking risks to get what I want!" Never mind how stupid and dangerous the risks, or the trust I will violate in the process.
So, yeah, I crossed a line. I wrote about it in my blog, Bi Crossing The Line. I am not here to advocate that any other man do the same. I have no excuses or justifications. I began writing about it, publicly but anonymously, in June of 2011. I wrote about it because writing clears my mind and provides catharsis. I wrote about it because, though I felt I finally had the balls to see it through, I needed encouragement. I didn't realize it then, but now I see that I made a commitment to some imaginary readers in my very first post. That was the added little push to ensure that I didn't back out at the last moment.

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