People always tell me, one person in particular, that I should write about whatever, not just about sex. To be honest, this is something that I've struggled with. I haven't had any man on man sex lately, so I haven't written a lot for this blog. I started this blog with one intention, my journal of my ventures crossing the line into sex with men.
Sure, I've got a lot to say. I'm actually one of those opinionated, know-it-all types, but in a good way. LOL. Writing about something other than sex with men, or my thoughts on sex with men, or my looking for sex with men, (what was I going to say? oh yeah) would change the purpose and tone of my blog. Obviously it's my blog, and I can do what I want with it. I just haven't been able to decide if I want it to change.

I won't write about my family, any more than to say that I have one. This being a secret blog, I know that giving away details about my wife and family on the Internet would be yet another huge betrayal. Which means, also, that I won't write about the other half of being bisexual, sex with women, in any detail. Since my experiences with sex with women are limited to sex with my wife.
I am actually quite proud of this blog, and quite fond of it's readers. On many occasions I've wanted to share my little bit of success here with the one person whom I share everything, my wife. I can't, obviously. And I think that if I started blogging about something other than sex with men, I will have more of an urge to share it with her. What if this blog turns into a place where I share my thought on life, the universe (or multi-verse) and everything, and it becomes wildly popular. I'd never get to share it, unless I deleted all my posts up to now and hired a contract killer to take care of my regular readers. That doesn't seem very reasonable, you think?
I read a great many blogs. When I come across one where a blogger bears her/her soul, I always feel honored for being allowed to read it. I bear my soul, just on this one subject only. Maybe I will start writing about more, I don't know. Maybe I will just keep complaining about not having a lot to write about, because I know you'll love that. Maybe I will just go out and find another guy to suck my dick so that we can get back to what's really important!