So Slut Phase Victim #4 and kept in very loose contact over the years. We'd send a random text message out of the blue, the other would respond with something like, "We should hang out", and we'd agree. But nothing would come of it.
Two weeks ago, I got another such text. "We should hang out." This guy always excites me. If you read about my first encounter, you know he's the only guy I'm met that is taller than me. But more than that, I've always got the sense that he is a genuinely nice guy. And, he enjoys kissing as much as I do.
I get this text, and I'm thinking that I really want to hang out with him. He suggests grabbing a bite to eat, having a drink, or playing. I was actually free that very day, but I felt trying to pull that off would have been sloppy. I suggested that we meet one evening the next week. Now, I had know idea how I was going to pull that off and still fly under the radar. But, I didn't wanted to let this guy get away again. Anyways, he agreed, and we had a date planned.
As the day got closer, I began working on how to pull this off. Coincidentally, a friend of mine from out of town told me he was going to be in town that same night. I agreed to dinner, but in the back of my head I knew he'd cancel. Or, I could always cancel on him. He did cancel, so I was left with an entirely plausible alibi and a free evening.
So I text Darren, Victim #4, and we make plans to meet for dinner. During dinner, we had a nice conversation and some good food. I confirmed my belief that he was a really nice guy. He opened up about his life, asked me genuine questions about mine. He even sought out my advice. At one point, he got up to use the restroom, and I was reminded again of his height. As a tall guy, it is very strange and sometimes intimidating to be around people my height. This time, it was a total turn on.
As dinner began to wind down, and begin thinking forward to what was next. Prior to meeting, he had suggested the possibility of getting drinks. I was hoping for something different, but also I appreciated the friendship we were forming and wanted to preserve that. When he asked what I wanted to do, I threw the ball back in his court. He threw out some suggestions, and when he suggested going back to his place, I jumped at that chance.

When I finally got his cock out of his pants, I was amazed. I mean, I'd seen it before, but Damn. It was rock solid, which I am discovering is more rare than normal, and it was huge! I engulfed it, and inhaled his sweet aroma. I feel like I could have spent eternity doing only that, sucking on his sweet, rock hard, silky smooth cock. I choked on it more than a few times, but stayed determined.
As we moved around, switched positions, me lying on top of him, him lying on top of me, 69'ing, I was again appreciative and impressed by his height. I love to cuddle. I love bear hugs, tight bear hugs. Darren obviously loved them too. And it soon became clear to me what else Darren loved, as he took every opportunity he could to squeeze my ass, and slide a finger or two over my hole. At one point, I was on my back and he was sitting in between my legs, and I could feel his cock throb in my crack as he slowly slid it up and down. I loved that feeling. But, I wasn't sure about where this was going. I call myself vers, but I am not very experienced. And, as I said, he was huge. The last guy I let back there was just a little smaller than I was. I refused to let it get too much in my head though. I was determined to enjoy the moment. We "wrestled", sucked, kissed, hugged for an undetermined amount of time.
He was getting more and more amp'd up, as was I. He was sitting between my legs again, having spend the last few moments sucking on my cock and rimming my ass. His cock was pushing against my hole, and he was leaning over with his mouth on my mouth. I had my arms and legs wrapped around him; if he tried to pull away he would have lifted me up with him. I was hungry for him. And it's fair to say my hole was hungry for him as well. I think he was trying to restrain himself, but was loosing that restraint. He pulled free, pulled one of my legs over his head so that I was now lying on my side, then he lined himself up, still between my legs, with my hole. He paused long enough for a condom and a little lube, then pushed his cock head against my hole again.
I was still hesitant, but not willing to stop him. I figured, if I am not prepared enough, I will soon find out. He took it slow, which put me at ease. But my hole still burned as he slowly pushed himself inside of me. I buried my face in pillows, and let out a few little whimpers. I wouldn't have stopped him for the world at that point.
I'm not sure how much time passed before he was smoothly sliding his cock all the way in and out or me. Twice or three times, I squeezed at the wrong moment and pushed him out. With ease, he found his way back in. I can't say that the burning ever really stopped, nor did my fear of an "accident". There was, however, a level of bliss that I didn't experience in either of my previous bottoming attempts. His grunts and moans told him he was enjoying himself too. Then he announced, "I'm going to cum", as he started to really pound my ass hard.

After cleaning up a little, we just lied there in each other's arms for awhile. I felt myself start to doze off, when I forced myself to get up and get dressed. It has been almost two hours since we arrived at his house, and it was passed time for me to go home.
We've texted and chatted daily since, and I'm making plans to meet up with him again. And, you already know, I enjoyed the experience so much I just had to write about it.