So, this colleague has not been doing particularly well lately. His job performance has been sub-par, which has drawn a lot of scrutiny because he used to be one of the top performers. He also has a who host of personal issues going on at the same time. In my ride-alongs, I have taken the time to coach and to really get at the heart of what is wrong. I've had to be more aggressive, more forceful, when explaining what I need from him. I've learned that this guy and I share a lot of the same personality characteristics. We are both more subservient than we are dominant. (I know, I'm the manager and I am subservient. It makes for interesting challenges for me) I don't particularly like the use of "sub" before servient, but my spell check insists. But I digress. An interesting aspect of my personality type is that when I am around someone who is more dominant, I become more subservient. And I've learned that this guy is definitely the same way; the more dominant I am, the more subservient he becomes. (Yes, I have learned how to be dominant when I need to.)
Lately, in my conversations with him, I have been overcome with the urge to grab his neck and draw him into a kiss. Or, I would fantasize about grabbing his package. A couple of the conversations have taken place outside next to his car or mine, since that is where he likes to go to smoke. And I admit, I have smoked with him, even though I quit a very long time ago. Fantasizing about a guy standing right in front of me is somewhat unnerving, it is not something that I am used to. I guess, I just haven't been lucky to work with overly-attractive guys. Oh yeah, this guy is pretty good looking. He is tall, dark hair and blue eyes. Well built, he obviously takes good care of his body. He is a little bit older than me by a few years. Oh, and I should also mention that he is gay. He is gay and has been married to his husband for more than a decade.
I think I wrote about the first time I almost "lost control" in a blog post for BLM. (Maybe I should copy those posts here? Since BLM is no longer blogging.) Like I mentioned then, the feeling of almost losing control in that way is not something that I have experienced a lot of. On at least three separate occasions, I have fantasized about doing something completely inappropriate with this guy while I was deep in conversation with him. The fantasies are so really, I actually see myself reaching out to him. I can feel his lips pressing onto mine, his hands on my back. The experience is scary, one slip up and I risk not only exposing myself to him, but to everyone at my company. One slip up, and I risk exposing everything to everyone.

Maybe I am only feeling this way because it has been awhile since I have had any kind of contact with a guy. But, work crushes aside, I really have not given much though to it. I
haven't written any blog posts, had any contact with M, signed into Grindr or Craigslist. I have even struggled keeping up with the other blogs that I follow. If it weren't for this guy, I'd tell you the pendulum is swinging the other way for now.